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20th Anniversary Video

As part of our 20th Anniversary Celebrations, Anne Hibbert along with Darren Bovis-Coulter have created an amazing video story of The Well over the last 20 years.

It all starts in a garden where Anne was resting as she had been unwell, and then she heard Father God say:

Anne, I am about to unstop the ancient wells of healing here in Leamington, and just as people came from far and wide in the past, so they will return and this time you will see Me work in power and there will be miracles… and the place will be called The Well.

Please watch and be blessed by the incredible journey of faith so far, and can we encourage you to share this among your friends, family and churches as we embark on the next exciting chapter… chapter 2?

Please also see this video from Steve Witt to find out what Chapter 2 thinking is all about.


The Well Team

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This was posted on 22 July 2022 in General news and Stories.