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Support and faith on a cancer journey

I could feel the power of the intercessory prayer pulling me back to life

The full story:

I was encouraged by friends to visit The Well in July 2014 for healing prayer. I had left hospital at the end of May after 4 months of aggressive chemo to save my life. I had 6 weeks left to live when I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. The third lot of treatment went wrong and I ended up in intensive care for a week, they were forced to operate though I did not have an immune system. I learnt afterwards that the medics did not expect me to live as my infection rates were so high. Five days later when they woke me up I knew I was going to survive I could feel the power of the intercessory prayer pulling me back to life.  My body had gone to the very edge of life but my spirit was very much alive.  I had some amazing intercessors standing in the gap for me.

When I came to The Well 6 weeks later I was facing the huge decision of whether to have a bone marrow transplant or not. Donors had been found and the QE specialist told me I only had a 30% chance of shaking the cancer off completely, if it returned I would be dead in months. I was very fearful of another course of brutal treatment of which 10% of the patients never make it through. I didn’t want my body taken down so low again, I knew what it felt like and the long walk back.

I did not go for prayer specifically about the transplant but to my amazement God made it absolutely clear that I didn’t need the transplant he was going to take care of me. A huge weight of fear rolled off my shoulders. He was asking me to step out in faith like Gideon and go forwards one step at a time. He was going to give me the solid ground of faith beneath my feet. My physical health returned quickly and I looked healthier than I had done for a number of years. Emotionally and spiritually I wandered in a wilderness for many months coming to terms with what had happened. But in it all God was changing me and recalibrating me teaching me the disciplines of stillness and silence and my life was becoming a prayer, a listening to God.

Since then I often come to the Well.  Early in my convalescence the Quiet Days and Listening To God conferences were a source of life and refreshment. Before each blood test to monitor my condition I come for prayer. Whilst I am in the prayer booth I feel a deep assurance of God being with me and that all is well. Each time my spirit is ministered to on a deep level and the presence of God is almost tangible.

It is hard to imagine how much harder the journey would have been without support and faith of The Well.  God gave the Prayer Team to me as a gift at a time of deep need both physically and emotionally.

Thank you Jesus for raising up this ministry to bring comfort to those who walk in darkness, to hold up the light of truth and hope, to shine in the hearts of many who walk through the valley of the shadow of death.  To proclaim and demonstrate that God heals today!

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