I was initially quite concerned about how Online Rest and Receive would be, as I previously have had such a positive experience of Rest and Receive at The Well and didn’t want to be disappointed. I was also concerned about using Zoom, as I wasn’t familiar with this.
From the first online session I felt an amazing sense of what I can only describe as deep peace, relaxation and a physical feeling of warmth. I have continued to have an amazing sense of God’s presence, not just in the Rest and Receive sessions, but at other times in the week. I have slept much better over the past weeks and it is not unusual for me to wake up with worship songs in my head in the morning, some of which I have heard at Rest and Receive.
It has been good to hear short passages of the Bible brought to life and very relevant to life right now. It has been really so encouraging for people to stand with me in prayer in challenging situations in my life. I have had a sense that everything is going to be ok. For example, I was struggling to wear personal protective equipment with a visor at work and feeling claustrophobic and starting to panic. I asked specifically for prayer for this and now feel so much calmer when wearing PPE.